Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Facebook Review

At the beginning of the semester I had no clue what to do for my Facebook campaign.  After talking to a lot of my friends I finally decided to make a page for the Coral Canyon Grille.  I had never made a Facebook page before for a business so this was very helpful.   My strategies were to add beautiful food pictures and get as many likes as I could.  I soon found out that a lot more goes into a business Facebook   page.   I learned how to boost a post and add good posts that people will view.  I felt I did a great job getting the page up and running.  Unfortunately I should have been a little more frequent with posts and pictures.  If I could change things I would have added a lot more post. I would also try o get a budget from the business I was running it for so I could network better and boost items.  I would also try to get more of the go ahead from the business to write what I want.  I never felt I could post enough because I had to say what I was told.  I was pleased I received a 112 likes.  Coral Canyon also told me they had several people come in to just eat and not play golf. This was a big accomplishment because they were no getting any costumers outside of golfers. Overall it was a great learning experience.

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